dream apartment

Here are the things GB and I want at our new place
1. Yard
2. Natural Light
3. Guest Room
4. Office
5. Bigger Bedroom
6. Laundry
7. Tile Bathroom
8. Window in Bathroom
9. Big Kitchen
10. Close to public transit.

Here are the things the apartment I looked at yesterday has: ALL OF THESE THINGS.

I HOPE we get it. The landlord was super cute and nice, and it’s through a small family owned company. FINGERS CROSSED.

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¡Costa Rica!

Last week, Gerard and I had the chance to visit our friends Leigh and Michael at their home in Costa Rica.

It was a much needed break, and we had a lot of fun. We relaxed and shredded. We drank a lot of smoothies, and saw some cool signs. We ate a ton of amazing food.

The view from Leigh ad Michael’s porch is amazing.

Thanks to Leigh and Michael for their hospitality. It was a magical week, and I hope we can do it again soon. Or meet up somewhere (like rent a house in France… just sayin’)

After a few days relaxing in their neighborhood, Escazu, which is just outside of San Jose, our friends Whitney and Thomas arrived and we drove down the coast to Manuel Antonio.

The place we stayed, Villas Oasis, was everything you could possibly want from a temporary home away from home in a tropical paradise.

We hiked to the beach and ate out at some great restaurants including Salsipuedes, Ronny’s, Sanchos, and Barba Roja.

After a layover in Miami, it was back to work and school today. We’re gearing up for our move to a new apartment and excited to try making homemade Lizano sauce. This vacation also served as a reminder that I need to be better about not over doing my schedule. I was lucky to be able to take a break, but I shouldn’t let it get to the point where life is so unbalanced. Luckily, spring seems to have sprung in Chicago, even if it’s not as warm as it is in good old Costa Rica.

The better looking pictures in this post were taken by my friends Whitney and Thomas. Whitney makes beautiful custom furniture, check it out.

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Ok, I missed a week, but it’s ok. I was a little busy. I didn’t have that much to say and that’s that.

Then this happened.

And this.

And finally THIS.

I’ve been using this to make my selzer water extra-extra.

Like every other woman in my demographic, I enjoyed Bossypants immensely. (I-pad can be dangerous)

This is a real sentence from the website of the beach house we are renting with friends: “The exciting juxtaposition of the high end appliances and natural tropical surroundings epitomize the concept of natural luxury.” I hope we can handle the JUXTAPOSITION OF NATURAL LUXURY.

Hopefully by the time GB and I return from our trip, the weather will be awesome all of the time.

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